Its time to focus on Health at DBM - Are you Ready?
Having spent many years working together to create an asset base, incomes and a path to wealth....
It now time to add HEALTH to the mix.
We are very fortunate to be a a part of a unique, single SYSTEM that exists to make this process simple.
LIMITLESS - an self enclosed, smart contract based, eco system designed to create assets, income and health
in one eco process.
With the health industry on the cusp of a new, people focused, era we are blessed to be working with pioneers such
as Dr Eric Nepute.... listen to what he has to say as we embark into 2025 on the front foot on our ongoing journey
into individualised, decentralised wealth and health....
Get involved in BioLimitless via your existing DAISY/Limitless Tronlink wallet HERE
Get involved in BioLimitless via your existing DAISY/Limitless Tronlink wallet HERE
Join the journey with us at DBM with our dedicated workshops and chats HERE