

About Keith

I am a complete Rugby nut and played over 600 times for my local club Newtron Abbot RFC 1st XV 

I am a widower after losing my beloved wife Sue on 5th January 2018 after 42 years of marriage 

I have been in Finace most of my life starting, apart from 7 years ibetween 1877-84 when my wife and I had a Pub,  with Barclays Bank in 1967 to working as a Commercial Sales Rep with Lloyds & Scottish Finance to owning my own Mortgage Brokers Busines Keith MacLean Mortgages. After living the good life and doing what I wanted I had to give up my busines to care full time for my wife for 4 years when she was very ill. I went from earning good money to next to  nothing and then I discovered Crypto. Made mistakes and then found DBM and my life is changing for the better again. 


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